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The ſecond book of

20. Having all Power,he conſider- -ed the Operations or Workmanſhips of the Seven ; but they loved him, and every one made him partaker of his own Order.

21. And he learning diligently, and underſtanding their Eſſence, and partaking their Nature, reſolved to pierce and break through the Circumference of the Circles, and to under- -ſtand the Power of him that ſits upon the Fire.

22. And having already all power of mortal things, of the Living, and of the unreaſonable Creatures of the World, ſtooped down and peeped through the Harmony, and breaking through the ſtrength of the Circles, ſo ſhewed and made manifeſt the downward-born Nature , the fair and beautiful Shape or Form of God.

23. Which when he ſaw, having in itſelf the unſatiable Beauty, and all the Operation of the Seven Go-vernors,