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Hermes Trismegistus.

into a great deſire, and longing to hear, do not digreſs, or run out.

31. But he ſaid, Keep ſilence, for I have not yet finiſhed the firſt ſpeech.

32. Triſm. Behold, I am ſilent.

33. Piman. The Generation there- -fore of theſe Seven was after this maner, The Air being Feminine, and the Water deſirous of Copulation, took from the Fire its ripeneſs, and from the æther Spirit ; and ſo Nature produced bodies after the Species and Shape of men.

34. And Man was made of Life and Light into Soul and Winde, of Life the Soul, of Light the Winde.

35. And ſo all the Members of the Senfible World, continued unto the period of the end, bearing rule, and generating.

36. Hear now the reſt of that ſpeech, thou ſo much deſireſt to hear.

37. When that period was fulfilled,C4 the