Page:The Doctrines of the New Church Briefly Explained.djvu/10

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For the purpose of showing the need of some such new revelation as that claimed to have been made through Swedenborg, the author has taken occasion to contrast the Old with the New view on many subjects; but in doing this, he has been careful to present the view which was generally accepted in Swedenborg's day,—well knowing that the Old Theology has, in many respects, been considerably modified by the quiet but constantly pervading influence of the New; so that many of the New views are now held by the most advanced Christians in nearly all the churches, often without a suspicion of the fact that they are New.

And that the reader might have no doubt that he is here presented with the veritable New Church doctrine on each of the subjects discussed, the author has frequently supplemented his own expositions, with brief and confirmatory extracts from Swedenborg.

B. F. B.

Germantown, Pa.,

August, 1883.