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The Doctrines of the New Church.

with all evils and their falsities, and these are innumerable, and their connexion is so manifold that it cannot be comprehended even by the angels, but only by the Lord. Hence it is evident that the life of hell in man cannot be destroyed suddenly, for if suddenly he would altogether expire; neither can the life of heaven be implanted suddenly, for if it were, the same result would follow. There are thousands and thousands of arcana of which scarcely a single one is known, whereby man is led of the Lord, when from the life of hell he rises into the life of heaven. . . . Therefore many have fallen into errors concerning man's liberation from evils and falsities, or concerning the remission of sins, believing that the life of hell can, through mercy, be transcribed into the life of heaven with man in a moment; when yet the whole work of regeneration is of mercy, and no others are regenerated but those who receive the mercy of the Lord by faith and life during their abode in the world." A. C. 9336.

"Regeneration begins when a man abstains from evils as sins, and progresses as he shuns them, and is perfected as he fights against them; and then, as he conquers from the Lord, he is regenerated. With him who is regenerated the order of life is reversed. From being natural he becomes spiritual. . . . Every man is regenerated by truths and a life according to them; for by truth he knows how to live, and by life he puts truth in practice." D. P. 84.

"They who are born of the Lord, that is, regenerated, receive the Lord's life which is divine love, that is, love toward the whole human race,