Page:The Doctrines of the New Church Briefly Explained.djvu/211

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That First State after Death.

XXIX.—The First State after Death.

The New Church believes and teaches that every individual enters the spiritual world precisely the same, in disposition and character, as he was when in this world. Physical death works no change of character. And as men in the flesh are not altogether in heaven nor altogether in hell, but in a state intermediate between the two, so immediately after death they are in a similar intermediate state, called "the world of spirits." And as society on earth is of a mixed character—the good and bad mingling together, because the internals of each one are covered over and hidden from the view of others—so is it also in "the world of spirits." So must it be, unless physical death works some change of character, which is alike unreasonable and unscriptural.

Some persons are so fully regenerated, or rise so completely out of the old into the new life, that they become fitted while on earth for the companionship of angels. They have thoroughly vanquished the life of self, and come into such close and blissful conjunction with the Lord, that they do not remain long in the intermediate state after death, but pass immediately into some kindred society in heaven. But there are very few of this class. Most people—even good people—