Page:The Domestic Affections, and Other Poems.pdf/131

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No vernal suns illume thy day,
    Fair star of joy! then brighter beam!
No forest-notes attend thy way,
Then strike the lyre, then wake[1] the lay,
    To one inspiring theme!

Thy steps may blight the roseate plain,
    Thy winds may chill the vale;
Yet, blooming 'midst thy shadowy train,
One radiant morn adorns thy reign;
    Hail! dark October! hail!

Thine is the day, to Britons dear,
That bids fair Albion dry the tear;
With myrtles wreath her victor-spear,
    And ev'ry grief disown.
Oh! let a people's voice prolong,
Proud Loyalty's triumphal song;
And faith, and truth, and valor, throng
    Around Britannia's throne!

G 2

  1. see errata—original has make