Page:The Domestic Affections, and Other Poems.pdf/150

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No, never, fair queen! while thy sons of the main,
My trophies, my rights, and my banners maintain,
    And live in the heav'n of my smiles!

Ye nations of Europe! all rous'd by alarms,
Oh! imitate Albion, the peerless in arms,
    Who kindles my torch from afar!
Her children are mine, an invincible band,
My look is the sun-beam that brightens their land!
And never, oh! never, that sun-beam shall cease,
And ne'er shall the light of my presence decrease,
    While they follow my bright blazing car!

O Austrian warriors! who rise in my cause,
Ye fight with my falchion, ye fight for my laws!
    And your's is the armour of right!
Then rush to the battle-field, scorning a fear,
And Justice and Freedom shall frown on your spear;
In valor, in truth, and in ardor the same,
All kindling with energy, breathing with flame,
    Ye shall conquer—a torrent of might!