Page:The Domestic Affections, and Other Poems.pdf/165

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Tho' gazing nations hail the fiery car
That bears the son of conquest from afar,
While Fame's loud Pæan bids his heart rejoice,
And every life-pulse vibrates to her voice;—
Yet from your source alone, in mazes bright,
Flows the full current of serene delight!

On Freedom's wing, that ev'ry wild explores,
Through realms of space, th' aspiring eagle soars!
Darts o'er the clouds, exulting to admire,
Meridian glory—on her throne of fire!
Bird of the sun! his keen unwearied gaze,
Hails the full noon, and triumphs in the blaze!
But soon, descending from his height sublime,
Day's burning fount, and light's empyreal clime;
Once more he speeds to joys more calmly blest,
'Midst the dear inmates of his lonely nest!

Thus Genius, mounting on his bright career,
Through the wide regions of the mental sphere;