Page:The Domestic Affections, and Other Poems.pdf/27

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And hark! from yonder distant dell,
I bear angelic numbers swell!
Ah! sure some airy sylph is nigh,
To wake such heavenly melody!
Now soft the dulcet notes decay,
Float on the breeze and melt away;
Again they fall—again they rise,
Ah! now the soft enchantment dies!
The charm is o'er—the spell is past,
The witching spell, too sweet to last!

Hail, Fancy, hail! around thy hallow'd shrine,
    What sylphid bands, what radiant forms appear!
Ah! bless thy votary with thy dreams divine,
    Ah! wave thy wand, and call thy visions dear!

Bear me, oh! bear me, to thy realms unknown,
    Enchantress! waft me in thy car sublime!
To bend, entranc'd, before thy shadowy throne,
    To view the wonders of thy fairy-clime!