Page:The Domestic Affections, and Other Poems.pdf/50

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Oh, Thou! before whose radiant shrine,
    Entranc'd, adoring seraphs bend;
Eternal source of light divine!
Wilt Thou thy hallow'd ear incline!
    And mortal pray'r attend?
Yes, Father! yes, benignant Pow'r!
Around Thee beams fair Mercy's purest ray;
    No awful terrors round Thee low'r,
    Save when, in Judgment's dreaded hour,
Thou bidst Creation tremble and obey!

    Then, rob'd in darkness and in clouds,
    That solemn veil thy glory shrouds;
Chaos and night thy dark pavilion form;
    Thy spirit on the whirlwind rides,
    Impels the unresisting tides,
Glares in the lightning, rushes in the storm!