Page:The Domestic Affections, and Other Poems.pdf/54

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Ah! ne'er, Experience! let me learn
Thy sadd'ning tale, thy precept stern!
The rose upon thy cheek is dead,
The lustre from thine eye is fled;
Thy wither'd heart forgets to glow,
To dance with joy, to melt at woe;
Forgets to burn with glory's flame,
To thrill with love, to pant for fame.
Is life a scene of pain and care?
Is there no bright Elysium there?
Must Hope's enchanting scenes decay?
Will Fancy's rainbow fade away?
Shall pale Misfortune early blight
The op'ning roses of delight?
Then why, ah! why, so soon destroy,
The dreams of love, and youth, and joy?
Ah! ne'er, Experience! let me learn
Thy sadd'ning tale, thy precept stern!