Page:The Domestic Affections, and Other Poems.pdf/95

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'Twas on this day, oh, love divine!
    The orient star's effulgence rose;
Then wak'd the morn [1], whose eye benign,
    Shall never, never close!


Messiah! be thy Name ador'd,
Eternal, high, redeeming Lord!
By grateful worlds be anthems pour'd,
    Emanuel! Prince of Peace!
This day, from Heav'n's empyreal dwelling,
Harp, lyre, and voice, in concert swelling.
    Bade discord cease!

Wake the loud Pæan, tune the voice,
    Children of heav'n and sons of earth!
Seraphs and men! exult, rejoice,
    To bless the Saviour's birth!

  1. see errata—original has moon