Upon man's daring, crafty deed,
†To parents thou dost deal their righteous meed.
Chorus. Strophe V.
Oh be it mine to celebrate,
Triumphantly, the howl of pain,
From caitiff smitten to the death,
From woman yielding up her breath! 380
†For why the rage dissemble now
That shakes my soul? at my heart's prow
Relentless gales of vengeful hate,
And stormful rancour, blow amain.
Orestes. Antistrophe IV.
Oh that, with arm of might
Great Zeus, who guards the right,
†Woe, woe,—would strike the guilty pair!
Come peace to this domain!
Just meed may the unjust obtain! 390
Earth, and ye powers of Hades, hear my prayer.
Chorus. Antistrophe.
For law it is, when on the plain
Blood hath been shed, new blood must fall.
Carnage doth to the Fury call;
Avenger of the earlier slain,
She comes, new Ruin leading in her train.
Electra. Strophe VI.