Piercing thine ear, oh may my word
Find access to the depths within!
True is the tale. Thy spirit gird
To hear what yet thou hast not heard!
Now, with undaunted heart the strife begin.
Orestes. Strophe IX.
Thine aid, O Father, to thy dear ones lend!
Weeping sad tears, my voice with his I blend.
Our prayers, in concert, to the shades descend;
Give ear, and rising to the day 450
Against our foes join thou the fray.
Orestes. Antistrophe IX.
Ares shall cope with Ares,—Right with Right.
Ye gods, give righteous judgment in the fight.
Hearing your prayers, I tremble: hid in night,
Tarries from Eld the doom of Fate;
Invoked it cometh, sure, though late.
Orestes and Electra. Strophe X.
Oh curse that in our house doth reign!
Discordant Atè's murd'rous blow!