Go, bear thy message. Do as we enjoin,
What the gods purpose, that will they effect.
Well, go I will, obeying thy behest,
Fair be the issue by the gift of Heaven!
Chorus. Strophe I.
Sire of Olympian gods, thy suppliant calls! 770
Oh waft propitious Fortune to these halls!
Dispensing justice with omniscient might,
†Bless thou my longing sight!
This boon I crave! Guard him, great Zeus, and save!
Strophe II.
Him, in these halls ancestral, place
Before his foeman;—bring them face to face!
Him if thou lift to greatness, Power divine,
Requital double, three-fold, shall be thine.
Antistrophe I.
Of him whom thou didst love behold the son 780
Orphaned, a colt harnessed in sorrow's trace;
†Set thou a limit to his toilsome race!
Grant him his course to run,
With steps firm planted, and well-ordered pace!
Strophe III.
You too, frequenting the recess
†Of wealth-rejoicing homes, I now address;