Page:The Dramas of Aeschylus (Swanwick).djvu/197

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Antistrophe I.

Subtle of soul, Requital came,
Dark-veiled who joins the fight;—
Daughter of Zeus, whom mortals name
Justice, their aim thus pointing right;
She with firm hand, the knife
Unsheaths for mortal strife,
While 'gainst her foes she breathes destruction's blight.

Strophe III.

For Loxias, the king, 940
Who in Parnassian cavern holds his seat,
Doth vengeance hither bring,
Guilelessly guileful; lame, yet sure her feet.
Weighty the utterance; the power divine,
No consort is of guilt; needs must we pay
Homage to His heaven-ruling sway.
Clearly the light doth shine!

Antistrophe II.

Reft was I of the sun whose sudden ray
Did with new joy illume
These halls, long sunk in gloom; 950
It gleamed,—then died away.

Antistrophe III.

Anon, the cheering light,
New kindled, in this house shall shine once more,
What time, with lustral rite,
From the polluted hearth is purged the gore,