4. This godless wight, bitter to parents, thou
As suppliant dost own.
5. A god the matricide has filched away.
6. That aught herein is just will any say?
Strophe II.
7. Voice of reproachful blame, to me in dreams that came 150
Smote me, like charioteer with scourge grasped tight,
8. 'Neath heart and reins. Such chilly pang I know
†As from the public scourger's ruthless blow.
Antistrophe II.
9. The upstart doings these of younger deities,
Usurping power beyond the sway of right.
10. †Dark-smeared from foot to crown, earth's navel-stone 160
Blood's horrible defilement now doth own.
Strophe III.
11. 12. But Thou, the seer, with hearth-stain hast thy shrine
Polluted, self-invited, self-impelled;
Revering mortal things 'gainst law divine
The Fates thou hast dishonoured, grey with eld.
Antistrophe III.