Greatly thou dost misprise and set at nought
The nuptial bond of Hera and of Zeus;
Dishonoured too is Kypris by these words,
From whom to mortals come their dearest joys;
For, under Justice' shield, the nuptial couch,
'Twixt man and wife the heaven-appointed bond,
Is mightier than oath; to wedded pair,
When one slays other, if thou lenient be, 210
These not pursuing with keen-sighted wrath,
Not justly then Orestes thou dost chase;
For thee, right earnest in his case I find,
But openly in hers more mild in sooth.
But Pallas shall both sides with justice scan.
Never will I desist this man to chase.
Pursue him then, prolong thy fruitless toil.
Claim not by word my honours to abridge.
Honours like thine I would reject with scorn.
For great thy rank before the throne of Zeus. 220
But I, led on by mother's blood, this man
To death will chase; I follow on his track.
[Exit Chorus.