But for yourselves call witnesses and proofs,—
Sworn evidence collect to aid your suit;
And having from my townsmen culled the best,
Them will I set, truly to judge this cause,
Sworn nought to utter adverse to the Right.
Chorus. Strophe I.
Subversion born of upstart laws
Will anarchy and discord breed,
If he the matricidal deed
Who wrought, prevail, and win the cause.
Such verdict shall to reckless crime
Embolden mortals;—through all time
Murder, henceforth, unchecked shall reign, 470
And parents perish, by their children slain.
Antistrophe I.
For as on evil deeds no more
Fierce anger from this frenzied train,
Keen watch o'er mortals who maintain,
Shall steal full surely, as of yore;—
To murder I will give the rein.
Who tells his neighbour's sorrow o'er, 480
†Shall hear in turn Griefs anguished moan;
Who comforts other's woe, himself must groan.
Strophe II.
Let none, 'neath Sorrow's stroke
Writhing, our aid invoke,
Pleading with anguished moan,
"O Justice, Justice, O Erinys' throne!"
Some father thus may wail,