For, while this council-hall the jurors fill, 540
Silence to keep availeth, and to learn
(Yea, the whole city and this stranger too)
What laws for time eternal I ordain;
So may the cause be righteously adjudged.
[Apollo appears on the stage.]
Apollo lord, rule thou thine own domain;—
In this affair say, what concern hast thou?
Twofold my errand here. As witness, first:
For this man at my shrine is suppliant,
Guest of my hearth; by me from murder cleansed.
Also I come as pleader in his cause;
For of his mother's death-blow mine the blame. 550
[To Athena.
Now, as thy wisdom prompteth, open thou
The trial, Pallas: legalize the suit.
[To the Chorus.
'Tis yours to speak;—thus I commence the suit.
Since that the plaintiff, taking first the word,
To state the argument may justly claim.
Though we be many, brief shall be our speech.
[To Orestes.
Do thou in turn make answer, word for word:—
And first declare,—didst thou thy mother slay?