531. τὸν οὔποτ᾽ αὐχοῦντ᾽.—I think οὔποτ᾽ should be οὐκέτ᾽.
553. τοίγαρ, therefore, is against the sense. Perhaps τί γὰρ; will set it right.
570. πιθαύσκω δ᾽ ὕμμ᾽ is corrupt. Read βουλῇ δὲ φάσκω δεῖν
582. τὰ πλεῖστ᾽ ἀμείνον᾽ εὔφροσιν.—Ἄμεινον᾽ is obviously corrupt. I believe the poet wrote ἁμλλαις εὔφροσιν, and in next line, παρεῖχε λουτρά, κἀπὶ δέρματι. There is no reason for supposing a line lost.
677. Linwood's διανομὰς, for δαίμονας, removes all difficulty.