Page:The Dramas of Aeschylus (Swanwick).djvu/343

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The Seven against Thebes.

Ares, Enȳo, and blood-thirsting Fear
Invoked, and by them sware, our town to raze,
And ravage the Cadmeian's citadel,
Or, dying, to imbrue this earth with blood.
And for their parents whom at home they left,
With their own hands around Adrastos' car 50
Memorials they were hanging, shedding tears,
But from their lips no word of ruth was heard;
For iron-hearted purpose, all aglow
With manly courage, breathed as lions breathe,
Whose eyeballs glare with battle. Such my news,
Which by no sluggishness have been delayed.
I left them casting lots that each might lead,
As Fate assigned, his squadron to the gates;
Hence at their outlets marshal with all speed
Our bravest men, our city's chosen sons;
For near already, raising dust, comes on,
Full-armed, the Argive host, while glistening foam 60
Mottles the plain with flakes from panting steeds.
But thou, like prudent helmsman of the ship,
Make stanch the city, before Ares' blasts
Swoop down; for loud the army's land-wave roars;
Thou, for this charge, the swiftest moment seize:
Myself, sure watch, a wary eye will keep,
And thou, through certain tidings, knowing all
Outside that happens, without scath shalt be.



O Zeus, and Earth, and Gods our town who guard,
And thou strong curse, Erinys of my sire, 70