Page:The Dramas of Aeschylus (Swanwick).djvu/360

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The Seven against Thebes.

Whom Ares spared, true offspring of the soil
Is Melanippos; Ares will decide
The issue by the die;—but his true kin,
Justice, hath sent him forth, her champion, 410
From his own mother foeman's spear to ward.

Chorus. Strophe I.

Grant to my champion victory,
Ye deities, since forth he wends
To battle justly and our State defends.
But ah, by fear possest, I dread to see
Their gory fates who perish for their friends.


Him may the gods thus with fair fortune crown!
The Electran gates hath Capaneus by lot,
A giant he, o'ertopping him first nam'd.
His vaunt outsoareth mortal pride; these towers 420
He threats with horrors, which may Fate avert.
For, God assenting or in God's despite,
He vows our town to ravage; not heaven's wrath,
Down leaping on the plain, e'en at his feet,
Shall hold him back; lightnings and thunderbolts
To noonday solar beams he likeneth.
A naked man his blazon, bearing fire;
Flares in his hands a torch, for service prompt;
In golden characters, ho cries aloud,
The City I will burn. Against this man
Send thou—but who such foeman will confront? 430
This boaster who will meet and tremble not?