The Seven against Thebes.
Mourn'd by a sister's lonely-wailing strain.
Who may to this agree?
Semi-chorus I.
Let the city strike with doom, 1070
Or not, who Polyneikes mourn;
We will go and to the tomb
Him escort,—a train forlorn;
For this woe is common dower,
And the claims of right
In our townsmen's sight
Vary with the hour.
Semi-chorus II.
But this other follow we,
As the city doth approve
And Justice;—for in sooth 'twas he,
After those who reign above,
And might of Zeus,—Cadmeia's realm 1080
Who in chief did save
From the alien wave
Which threatened to o'erwhelm.
[Exeunt in solemn procession. Antigone and Semi-chorus I. follow the corpse of Polyneikes; Ismene and Semi-chorus II. that of Eteocles.]