Page:The Dramas of Aeschylus (Swanwick).djvu/444

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Prometheus Bound.

And evermore among mankind shall live
The mighty record of thy passage there,
For men from thee shall call it Bosporos.
Quitting the plain of Europe, thou shalt come
To Asia's continent.—How think ye? say,
Seems not the monarch of the gods to be
Ruthless alike in all? For he, a god,
Yearning to meet in love a mortal maid,
Upon her did impose these wanderings?
A bitter wooer hast thou found, O maid,
For wedlock bond;—for what thine ears have heard
Account not e'en the prelude to thy toils. 760


Ah woe is me! Woe! Woe!


Anew dost shriek and moan? What wilt thou do
When thou the remnant of thy woe hast heard?


How, hast thou aught of sorrow yet to tell?


Ay, sea tempestuous of all-baleful grief.


What boots it then to live? Why not with speed
Hurl myself headlong from this rugged cliff,
That, dashed upon the ground, I from my woes
Respite may find? Better to die at once
Than all my days to linger out in pain. 770