Have I not known two potentates cast down?
Ay, and a third, now reigning, I shall see
In basest and most sudden overthrow. 980
Seem I to thee before these upstart gods
To quail or cringe? Far from it, nay, no whit.
But get thee back with speed the way thou camest,
For of thy quest thou'lt nothing learn from me.
E'en by such haughty wilfulness before
Didst thou to these dirge moorings waft thyself.
This my ill-fortune, be thou well assured,
I would not barter with thy servitude.
This rock to lackey better 'tis in sooth
Than trusty scout be born to father Zeus. 990
Thus, as is fitting, scorn replies to scorn.
Thou seem'st to revel in thy present state.
Revel? Oh might I in such revel see
My foes! And thee among them do I count.
Me too thou holdest guilty of thy ills?
Shortly to speak, all gods I hate, whoe'er,
By me bestead, maltreat me wrongfully.