Page:The Dramas of Aeschylus (Swanwick).djvu/497

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The Suppliants.


Cheer then by deeds, as by thy words, my heart.


Thee no long time thy sire forlorn will leave. 510
But I, the people of the land convening,
Will in thy favour move the multitude,
And how to frame his speech instruct thy sire.
Wait therefore and our native gods entreat,
With orisons, thine heart's desire to grant,
But I to urge thy cause will now depart;
May suasion and effective fortune follow.

[Exeunt King and attendants.]

Chorus. Strophe I.

Hail, King of Kings! Most Blest
Among the blest! Of powers on high
Most perfect Power! Our prayerful cry 520
Hear, blissful Zeus, and hate-possest,
Of hateful men ward off the lawless pride;
Ay, deep beneath the purple tide
Whelm thou their dark-benched pest.

Antistrophe I.

Viewing with eye benign
Our woman's cause, our ancient race,
Her tale recall who shared thy grace,
Ancestral mother of our line.
Soother of Io, mindful be once more
Of her, through whom we from this shore 530
Our boasted lineage trace.