Page:The Dramas of Aeschylus (Swanwick).djvu/506

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The Suppliants.

Lest that my lengthened flight no profit bring.
Father, I faint through dread.


Children, since ratified the Argives' vote,
Take courage; well I know, for you they'll fight. 720

Chorus. Antistrophe I.

Insatiate of battle, fierce and lewd
Ægyptos' race;—to one who knows I speak.
In timbered ships, blue-prowed, their rage to wreak,
Hither with many a follower, sable-hued,
In prosperous wrath they sped.


Ay, but they here a numerous host will find,
With thews well hardened in the noon-tide heat.

Chorus. Strophe II.

Oh leave me not alone, father, I pray;
Woman abandoned to herself is nought.
In her no war-god dwells. Crafty are they 730
In mind and counsel; dissolute in thought,
Neither, like crows, for altars care they aught.


Our interest, children, it would much avail
Wore they to gods as hateful as to thee.

Chorus. Antistrophe II.

No awe of gods before whose shrines we stand,
Or of these sacred tridents, O my sire,