Page:The Dramas of Aeschylus (Swanwick).djvu/510

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The Suppliants.

3rd.Loudly I raise the voice of wail.
4th.Preludes to insult I behold
That me will soon assail.
5th.Hasten, to shelter quickly flee, 810
6th.Cruel of heart are they, I trow;
Unbearable by land and sea.
7th.Our patron, King! be thou.

[Enter Herald of the Sons of Ægyptos.]


Haste to the barque, away, away!


Rendings, ay rendings of the hair,
And cruel stripes I now must bear;
Lopping of heads will come amain,
And murder's gory rain. 820


Plague on you, to the barque away.

Chorus. Strophe I.

Would that where surging billows rave,
Exulting in thy lordly pride,—
Thou and thy nail-clenched barque beside,
Had perished neath the wave!


Like to a captured run-a-way,
Thee to my stocks I soon will bind.—
Hence, I advise thee, put away

The foolish phrenzy of thy mind.