Thou speakest, mad with pride;
May mighty Neilos, thee that bred,
O'erwhelm thee, and thy ruthless phrenzy hide!
Off with you to the galley double-prowed,—
Such my command, full speed, let none delay;—
Who captives hale, hold not in awe their locks. 860
Strophe III.
From these altars, father dear,
With the spider's stealthy tread
Or like vision, vision dread,
Seaward now he draggeth me
Woe, alas, ah me!
Mother earth, O mother earth,
Turn aside the voice of fear!
Zeus! great king, thou son of earth!
These gods of Argos fear I not, for they
Nor reared me up, nor nurtured me to eld. 870
Chorus. Antistrophe III.
Near me now he rageth, near,
Biped serpent, void of ruth;
Or like viper, whose fell tooth
Wounds the foot, he holdeth me.
Woe, alas, ah me!
Mother earth, O mother earth,
Turn aside the voice of fear!
Zeus! great king, thou son of earth!