The Suppliants.
None may transgress. May wedlock find at last,
As to full many women in the past,
For us a happy issue.
Semi-chorus A. Strophe III.
From marriage with Ægyptos' seed
Thy suppliants, mighty Zeus, defend!
Semi-chorus B.
All yet propitiously may end.
Semi-chorus A.
Cure seekest thou for cureless ill. 1040
Semi-chorus B.
But certes thou the future canst not read.
Semi-chorus A. Antistrophe III.
How search of Zeus the hidden will?
A fathomless abyss, I trow.
Semi-chorus B.
For modest blessings pour thy prayer.
Semi-chorus A.
What moderation urgest thou?
Semi-chorus B.
What Heaven ordaineth, that with patience bear. 1050
Semi-chorus A. Strophe IV.
From us this wedlock's hateful hostile rite
May sovereign Zeus avert, of old who freed