Page:The Dream of Pythagoras and Other Poems.djvu/35

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And the gaunt waves leap'd up like fountains fierce,
And snatch'd down frighten'd clouds, then, shouting, fell.
And rose again. I, whirling on their tops,
Dizzy flew over masts of staggering ships.
Then plunged into black night. My soul grew mad,
Kavish'd with the intense magnificence
Of the harmonious chaos, for I heard
Music amidst the thunders, and I saw
Measure in all the madness of the waves
And whirlpools; yea, I lifted up my voice
In praise to the Eternal, for I felt
Rock'd in His hand, as in a cradling couch,
Rejoicing in His strength; yea, I found rest
In the unbounded roar, and fearless sang
Glad echo to the thunder, and flash'd back
The bright look of the lightning, and did fly
On the dark pinions of the hurricane spirit
In rapturous repose; till suddenly
My soul expanded, and I sprang aloft
Into the lightning flame, leaping for joy
From cloud to cloud. Then, first I felt my wings
Wave into immortality, and flew

Across the ocean with a shouting host