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wolcen, nm., cloud, dp. wolcnum, 55; dip. wolcnum, 53.

wom, mn., iniquity, dip. wommum, 14.

word, n., word; command, ds. worde, 111; as. 35; ap. 27; ip. wordum, 97.

woruld, f., world, gs. worulde, 133.

wrað, adj., cruel, gpf. wrāðra, 51.

wudu, m., tree, ns. 27.

wuldor, n., glory, heaven, gs. wuldres, 14, 90, 97, 133; ds. wuldre, 135, 143, 155.

wunian, w. 2, intrans., dwell, abide, 3 pl. wuniaþ, 135; pret. 3 pl. wunedon, 3, 154; inf. 121, 143.

wynn, f., joy, gladness, ip. wynnum, 15.

wyrcan, w. 1, trans., make, frame, inf. 65.

wyrd, f., event, occurrence, experience, ns. 74; gp. wyrda, 51.

ymbclyppan, w. 1, trans., embrace, clasp, pret. 3 sg. ymbclypte, 42.

Oxford : Horace Hart, M.A., Printer to the University