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1856. (K.2; the agreement of K.1 and K.2 is indicated by K.)

Kluge, Angelsächsisches Lesebuch. Halle, 1888. (Kl.)

Michelsen, Ælteste Christliche Epik (a translation of Hammerich's book ; see above). Gütersloh, 1874.

Morley, English Writers, Vol. 2. London and New York, 1888.

Moorsom, Renderings of Church Hymns. London, 1901.

Pacius, Das Heilige Kreuz. Gera, 1873.

Robinson, Introduction to our Early English Literature. London, 1885.

Sievers. In Beitrdge zur Geschichte der Deutsclien Sprache und Litteratur, Vol. 10. (Siev.)

——— Old English Grammar, translated by Albert S. Cook. Boston, 1903. (Gram.)

Stephens, Old Northern Runic Monuments, Vol. 2. London and Copenhagen, 1867-8. The part on the Ruthwell Cross also published separately, London and Copenhagen, 1866. (St.)

Sweet, Anglo-Saxon Reader. Oxford, 1876. (Sw.)

Ten Brink, Early English Literature. New York, 1883. (From the German edition, published in 1877.)

Thorpe, Appendix B to Mr. Cooper's Report (see supra, p. x). (Th.)

Trautmann, Cynewulf, der Bischof und Dichter. Bonn, 1898.

Wülker, Grundriss zur Geschichte der Angelsächsischen Litteratur. Leipzig, 1885.

——— Codex Vercellensis. Leipzig, 1894.

——— In Berichte der Sächsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, Phil.-Hist. Classe, Bd. 40 (1888).
