Page:The Dunciad - Alexander Pope (1743).djvu/98

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Book I.
The Dunciad.
Great Cæsar roars, and hisses in the fires;
King John in silence modestly expires:
No merit now the dear Nonjuror claims,
Moliere's old stubble in a moment flames.[R. 1]
255 Tears gush'd again, as from pale Priam's eyes
When the last blaze sent Ilion to the skies.[R. 2]


    said, that this Author was particularly excellent at Tragedy. "This (says he) is as unjust as to say I could not dance on a Rope." But certain it is that he had attempted to dance on this Rope, and fell most shamefully, having produced no less than four Tragedies (the names of which the Poet preserves in these few lines) the three first of them were fairly printed, acted, and damned; the fourth suppressed, in fear of the like treatment.

  1. Ver. 254. the dear Nonjuror—Moliere's old stubble] A Comedy threshed out of Moliere's Tartuffe, and so much the Translator's favourite, that he assures us all our author's dislike to it could only arise from disaffection to the Government;
    Qui meprise Cotin, n'estime point son Roi,
    Et n'a, selon Cotin, ni Dieu, ni foi, ni loi
    He assures us, that "when he had the honour to kiss his Majesty's hand upon presenting his dedication of it, he was graciously pleased, out of his Royal bounty, to order him two hundred pounds for it. And this he doubts not grieved Mr. P."
  2. Ver. 256. When the last blaze sent Ilion to the skies.] See Virgil, Æn. ii. where I would advise the reader to peruse the story of Troy's destruction, rather than in Wynkyn. But I caution him alike in both to beware of a most grievous error, that of thinking it was brought about by I know not what Trojan Horse; there never having been any such thing. For, first, it was not Trojan, being made by the Greeks; and, secondly, it was not a horse, but a mare. This is clear from many verses in Virgil:
    ———Uterumque armate milite complent.——
    utero Danaos——
    Can a horse be said Utero gerere? Again,
    ——Uteroque recusse,
    Insonuerc cavæ————
    ——Atque utero sonitum quater arma dedere,
    Nay, is it not expresly said
    Scandit fatalis machina muros
    Fœta armis————