Page:The Early English Organ Builders and their work.djvu/91

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Organ Builders.
Item for viij dozen of glewe at 4s 6d le doz xxxvjs
Item for canves to put the glewe in xviijd
Item for a hamper to carry things in and corde to bynd yt ijs
Item for more corde to bynd up other things xd
Item for packthred to bynd the pypes ijs
Item for nayles of divers kyndes xs
Item for carriage of the premisses being bought in divers places of the Citie togeather with Mr. Dallam his Tooles iiijs
Item to Walston Cruis for his paynes in seeing the things bought and packed to be sent to Camb. iiijs
Item for flannell clothe to laye under the kayes xijd
Item for fustian to cast the mettell uppon xs
Item for preston clothe for the same use vjs
Item for chalke to lay upon fustian iiijd
Item for brasse for the shaking stoppe iiijs
Item for a pan to make fyer in to remove vjd