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  • invalidate the Portrait ; but such, is not the case, for

' white collars or bands, of various shapes and sizes,

  • were in use in Knox's time, and are found in the

' portraits and frequently referred to, in the literature ' of Elizabeth's reign/ The remark of Mr. Tait in reference to the some- what unpleasant ' surface ' of the Somerville Picture is clearly illustrated by looking at an excellent copy of it, painted a few months ago by Mr. Samuel Laurence, in which, although the likeness is accurately preserved, the head has on account of the less oily * surface ' of the picture a much more refined appearance.*

  • Since this was first printed, Mr. Laurence himself favours me

with the following remarks, which seem too good to be lost : . . . ' I wish the reason for my copying the Somerville Picture had been ' given, viz., its being in a state of dilapidation and probable decay. ' Entirely agreeing with your own impressions as to its represent- ' ing the individuality and character of the man, I undertook to ' make a copy that should, beside keeping the character, represent

  • the condition of this Picture in its undamaged state. It is now

'not only "much cracked," but the half -tints are taken off, by

  • some bad cleaner ; the gradations between the highest lights and

' the deepest shades wanting : hence the unpleasant look. I think ' it more than a matter of "surface." The very ground, a "bricky" ' red one, exposed, here and there ; the effec f which upon the ' colours may be likened to a tune played upon a piano-forte that 'has missing keys . . . — Samuel Laurence (6, WeUs Sti-eet,

  • Oxford Street, March 30, 1875).'