Page:The Economic Journal Volume 1.djvu/224

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202 THE ECONOMIC JOURNAL six hours and upwards, and similarly the periods of absence from duty after extra work up to seven hours for all the railways in the kingdom. A comparatively short table, however, may be formed by selecting only the companies which are the worst offenders in the matter of excessive overtime, by confining the particulars to two cardinal facts of the in- quiry, and by limiting the classes of servants to three. The passenger guards and examiners form scarcely an appreciable element in the returns, and may therefore easily be spared from the list. As hours is a period about midway between the working day of twelve hours and the ' eighteen and upwards,' which forms the limit of the return, that is taken as a fair 1nedlure for exhibiting the extent to,which overtime is worked. Otherwise the accompanying table explains itself.

TABr.. showing chief Railway Companies employing certain of their servants fifteen hours per day, with daily percentage of such servants so employed, and monthly percentage of those work- ing over twelve hours, allowed to resume work after less than eight hours' rest.

E.ghemc and F;rem�. '-- 'Mo,,thly percent. Daily per- age of persons Daily per- ce,tage of after than [ centage of persons ou 12 hou. rs du. ty [ persons on !duty 15 hours resum, ng w,th [duty 15 hours Goods Gcards. { Sigalme,. , Monffdy percent -[ [Monthly 1r- { ce,tageof age of persons { Daily lec- persons alter ater that, [ centage of } more than 12 hours duty . person, s c, 112hours'/luly resumit, g with. duty 15 hours resuming less ffan s hour per day. with less. rest. ihan 8hours rest. .Sept. Mar. Sept. Mar. Sel,t. Mar. lt. lb90. lr9. le90. 18. 1. Breoon &'Merthyr .............. 3'92' 2'41 67'0 25'0 10'07 8'T3 Cheshire Lines Committee.. 4'5 3'52 9'21 6'85 0'T3[ 0'60 Great Eastern ................. 4'24 3'17 2'.51 Great Northern .................. 5't 4'57 2'52 3'45 5'3? [ 2'5t Great Western .................. 4'78 2'67 10%0 2't9 2'46 { 1'3 Hall, Banmley, & Wtt & Docx ........................ 9'70 5'26 . l't '48 Lancashire & Yorkshire ...... 5'66 '91 11"- 8'37 4'24 London & North-Wc,tt.r,, ... 4.1.98 2.1 3'f 2'15 Lo,don & 8outh-Wcste, ... { . Lo,,doa, Brighton, & S oui,, Coast ........................... 5'S 5' 6 8 . r 1'44 London, Chatbarn, & Dover 1" 4'62 .'t0'16 f,'{ 1' I '45 l.ondon,Tilbu', & Snuff;end 3'62 1'1 IT'46 6'35 1'75 { '51 Manchester, Sheif. eld, Linoolnshlre .................. 6'59 4'53 8' 3'80 7'90 5'01 Midland ........................... 6'99 5'29 l'lS 1'19 North-Eastern ................... 8'Z, 6'27 5' 2. North London ................ '07 '07 Rhynmey ......................... : 8'67 1: 59'18 South-Eastern .................. 9'$2 64'25 21'64 Taft Vale ........................ Somerset& Dorset Joint Line Selt. 1. 6'06 1 '32 31 '42 2'39 10'52 22'99 1 '48 5'05 12' '75 22'67 2'834 5 '00 WrexY. am, Mold, & Connah's quay ............................ 3'90 5'14 3'59 2'29 25'$3 41'29 3'17 { ' 2'11 3'61 1'02 5'71 2'69 � 75 . 1', 1 2 )9 11 '69 4'00 5'12 .'33 22'16 1'24 5'$4 5'72 '79 '32 '46 3'T5 5'91 � 88 t 4'0 6 0' � 07 '15 '26 6'0 6'1 2 '1 8'0 '27'17 Caledonian ........................ Gl,asghow & South-Western... No.... Brit'sh ................... Belfast & Northern Count;es Great Norther of Ireland.. Great Southern & Western .o,f Ireland ..................... Midland & Grat Western . of Ireland ..................... Waterford & Central, Ireland Waterford & Limerick ....... 3'75 4'CO 10'52 140'0 '69 18'51 '19 2'48 8' 91'3, 100'0 13'73 117 3'03 Mar. .Sept. Mar. Iept. Mar. 1!.90. t lt. 1. l,t9. 1. o71 ... ... 2' 24' ... � .. hi... 6 '05 1'13 '51 24-4 . 0'04 3'66 y ...... 40'42 lO.26 . .51 . y � 07 '50 ..... 16'T4 .... ... .. 1 '63 1 ' t In March, IP0, $'65 of the ' Examlne�s' of this Company worked 18 hours I,er day and