Page:The Economic Journal Volume 1.djvu/260

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Giornale Degli Economisti (Roma). January, 1891.

I.—La Situazione del Mercato monetario.

II.—La Tariffa MchKinley. By Prof. F. Taussig.

In this masterly article Prof. Taussig first traces the political conditions which led to the imposition of the McKinley Tariff. He then states in some detail the changes introduced, especially with respect to wool, iron, and sugar. Incidentally he makes some interesting observations on the method of superimposing an ad valorem on a specific tax (the double burden being equivalent under some heads to 150 or even 200 per cent!). In conclusion, he doubts whether the tariff will have much effect in fostering native industries. 'The development of the United States will not take the direction indicated by the McKinley law. The industries which will continue to increase will be not those which now demand high duties, but those which now remain outside the whole question.'

III. Finanza e Politica dogauale (unsigned). Relates principally to Italian interests.

IV.,Delle regioui d'Italia iu onliue alla Ioro richezza ed al loro carico tributario. By M.rrEo PANTALEONI.

In his first section the author, showing the importance of his subject, is led to discuss the relations between the parts and the whole of a political system, between ' the greatest possible of increase of total... and that of regional well-being.' He applies boldly utilitarian philosophy to la haute politique: affirming that' the democratic principle of the equality of all is one of those which are diametrically opposed to the principle of .total maximum happiness' (' edonismo massimo totale '). The second section sets forth the ' weighted means' and other methods by which the wealth of the different Italian regions is to be ascertained. The third section contains the result of these methods. Of the three regions Alt' Italia, Italia Media, Italia Bassa, the first has nearly twice as much wealth as each of the other two, the total being just 54 milliards (say ₤2,160,000,000, contrasting markedly with Mr. Giffen's estimate for the United Kingdom, ₤10,000,000,000). The fourth section exhibits and compares the burden of taxation borne by each region with its wealth. There appears to be no close correspondence between the two sets of figures, an anomaly which the author in his concluding section seems to justify by the suggestion that the introduction of the present rgime has been a greater advantage to the poorer, viz. the southern, than to the richer, northern, regions.

V., VI. &c. Note, Rivista dei fatti economici, &c.

February, 1891.

I.—La Situazione del Mercato monetario.

II.—Sovrimposte Communali e Provinciali. By M. MARTINELLI.

III.—La Ragione progressiva del Sistema tributario in rapporto al Principio del grado finale d'utilitL By A. GRZIaNI.

Contains a crit;c;sm of Sax, an exposition of the writer's own views, and some useful references.