Page:The Economic Journal Volume 1.djvu/315

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INCREASE IN REMUNERATION UNDER PROFIToSHA_RING TABLE I. Name of Finn. Nature of Business. Women's Printing Society, Ld. ? ?. Printers Co-operative Needlewomen's So- I ciety 1 ...................... Needlework ........ Brooke, Bond & Co ............. ? Wholesale tea blenders D'Oyly & Co., Ld. (formerly De- House painters, plum- oorative Co-operators' Assn ) 1 ? bers &c Blundell, Spence & Co., Ld ...... 'Colour and varnish I manufacturers .... Needlewomen's Co-operative As-'Shirt, &c., manufac- sociation, Ld. 1 a .............. ? turers ............ Albert Grey .................... Farming J. W. Arrowsmith .............. Publisher ......... Hazell, Watson & Viney, Ld ..... Printers, &c ........ Earl Spencer .................. Farming ............ H. D. Young & Co .............. Leather merchnts, &c. BAnns & Co ..................... Corn factors & seeds-, men .............. Workwomen's Co-operative As-Clothing manufac- sociation, Ld. 1 ................ turers ............ New Welsh Slate Co., Ld ........ Quarry owners ...... Wool & grain mer- New Zealand Farmers' Co-op- chants, general mer- eratire Association, Ld ...... chants, clothing manufacturers .... South Metropolitan Gas Co ...... Gasworks .......... Clarke, Nickoils & Coombs, Ld... Confectionery manu- I facturers .......... Thomas Hailing IPrin?r . Charles Joyner & Co ............ Chandelier manufac-, turers ............ Lee & Hunt .................... Engineers .......... Robert Martin Printer W. Rowntree & Sons ............ ?Drapers, &c ......... Southwark & Deptford Tramwaysl Co ........................... Tramways .......... James Tucker, Ld ............... Millers ............ Employees. 25 15? 38O 26 10 26


1,200 9 14 14 105 about 2,000 1,900 9 ? 28O 8O 6 17 100 110 100 When { Average ratio Profit- { of bonus to sharing{ wages since i adoption .of adopted. Profit-sharing. ..... 1875 0'5 1880 Nil. 1882 10'6 1883 Nil. 1884 1'8 1885 Nil. 1886 1886 2'5 1888 Nil. 1889 .Nil. 1886 5 1886 1-2 1886 Nil. 1886 ' 1-5 to 8 ' 1887 4'7 1888 Nil. 1889 JV i l. ? 1889 1889 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 3'5 5 4 Nil. .Nil. 4 4'5 2'2 7'5 2-8 1'6 10 ? Formed by social reformers. "Pays wages much higher than current in trade. s Registered in 1887 under Industrial and Provident Societies' Act, 1876; but not included in the last returns of the Co-operative Union. ? A further equal amount placed to a reserve fund to meet losses, but subject thereto to belong to employees. ? ' When the quarry is developed it is estimated that a bonus of 5 to 6 per cent. on wages will be paid whenever 5 per cent. profits are earned, the bonus rising proportionately with dividends.' 6 Mr. Holloway has given to his employees (not out of profits) as bonus the sum of 67 17s. 7d., equivalent to 13'8 per cent on wages.