Page:The Economic Journal Volume 1.djvu/409

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NOTES AND MEMORANDA 387 In the decade 1871-81 the calculated migration from Scotland to England exceeded that from England to Scotland by 49,400, ? and this

lifference tends to decrease; say that for 1881-91 it amounted to 

48,000. We have assumed above that the number of colonial settlers in the United Kingdom would be 60,000: deducting the 1,600 allowed for Ireland we get 58,400 for Great Britain, and distributing these in the proportion of the increase of colonial-born in England and Scotland during the period 1871-81 we get 51,000 and 7,000 respectively: -similarly for the 175,000 foreign settlers in the United Kingdom, of whom we allotted 1,000 to Ireland, leaving for England and Wales 158,200, for Scotland 15,800. Now we have all the materials, such as .$hey are. England and Wales. Population census, 1881 ...... Add natural increment ...... passengers inwards (corrected)... immigrants from Ireland ... Scotland ... Colonies, &c .... Europe, &c .... Deduct passengers outwards Correct for Irish emigrants Deduct Emigrants from Scotland 25,974,439 3,646,046 657,619 43,341 24,000 51,000 158,200 30,554,645 1,548,965 29,005,680 25,500 28,980,180 Scotland. 3,735,573 5O8,397 114,265 27,445 7,000 15,800 4,4O8,48O 275,095 4,133,385 8,500 4,124,885 24,000 4,100,885 These two numbers added together fall short of the estimate given ?above for Great Britain by 37,195; raising them proportionately by this amount we get: Population in 1891. United Kingdom .......... England and Wales ...... Scotland .................... Ireland ....................... My estimate. 37,813,049 29,012,776 4,105,484 4,694,789 Calculated on hypo- thesis of constant increase. 38,652,244 29,705,155 4,153,106 4,947,716 These estimates as regards Scotland and Ireland are very close to, but as regards England and Wales and the United Kingdom fall notably below the estimates given by me in a letter which appeared ? See Studies iN Statistics, p. 41. cc2