Page:The Economic Journal Volume 1.djvu/465

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RECENT PERIODICALS AND NEW BOOKS 443 following: ' If without any other change capital increases fast, the rate of interest must fall; if without any. other change the number of those ready to do any kind of labour increases, their wages must fall" The critic's original remarks on the theory of rent deserve attention. Referring to the relation between rent and prices he will not allow us to demonstrate the ' current formula by infusing into an imaginary land- lord a generosity that will make him refuse to take his tenant's money.' Rather entertain this supposition: ' let a public decree go forth that no human being shall keep another off from land that the other desires to use .... To each .square mile of land we will admit every applicant, and divide the area ?nto shares of such sizes as shall be necessary.' It will thus be seen that rent is an element of price. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (Philadelphia), April, 1891. The Genesis of a Written Constitution. By WILLIAM C. MOREY. The Law of Nature. Compulsory Voting. The Wealth Concept. Instruction in Economics in Italy. By FRED M. TAYLOR. By F. W. HOLLS. By CHARLES A. TUTTLE. By ROLAND P. FALKNER. Revue d'Economie Politique (Paris). 1891.


Le Dtveloppement t?conomique de l'Autriche-Hongrie et les Ntgociations douanigres pendantes. Par M. AnEXANDr.?. DE MATLEKOV?TZ, Deput? au Parlement d'Autriche. Lea Iddes Sociales de M. Wundt. Par M. RAu?. Quelques Contributions d l'Histoire du D?veloppement du Socialisme Modeme, Fra?ois Boissel. Par le Dr. C. GRUENBERG. Part of a study on the develop?nent of Socialism. April. Un Noureau Cas d'Interrention de l't?tat. Le Projet de Loi sur l'alloca- tion de secours aux Familles ru?cessiteux des Mgl?taires .... Par M. P. DE LOYNES. Les t?chelles Mobiles des Salaires en Anglsterre. fesseur/i Victoria University, Manchester; d l'Histoire Par M. MUNRO, Pro- traduction .... Quelqu? Contributions Modeme. (II.). du Dtceloppement du Socialisme Journal des Economistes (Paris). 1891. April. Le Projet du Budget de l'Exercice 1892 et les Conventions de 1883. M. Pavn DELOMBRE. Par Du Prix de Revient des prbwipales Cdr?ales en Russie et en Allevmgne. Par M. Ivan MAKLACHEVSKY.