Page:The Economic Journal Volume 1.djvu/487

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WOMEN'S WORK IN LEEDS 465 tuners a commission on the wages earned by the weavers, thus making it the interest of the tuner to dismiss slow workers and to get the largest return from the looms. Another employer who nevertheless, has the reputation of paying as high rates as any other manufacturer for the same class of work, never dismisses a weaver who does her work well even though she may be slow, and his wage books would show a lower average than those of his rival. But the very full particulars of wages in a worsted cloth mill g/yen below, together w/th particulars of wages earned in an ordinary week by the wintiers, weavers, and knotters, &c., in a linen factory, will give a maximum and min/mum limit for the wa?es earned in a woollen cloth factory: PERCENTAGE OF WOMEN AND GIRLS IN A LINEN FACTORY, APRIL 1891, Under 10s. 10s. to 12s. 12?. to 15s. Above 15s. 50 20 20 10 EARNING Although the percentage of g/rls under eighteen in this factory closely corresponds with the percentage earning less than 10s., several above eighteen earned less than 10s., and several younger girls earned more. WORSTED MILLS. PERCENTAOE OP WOMEN AND GIRLS EARNINO ] t ' Relative Under 21s. and Nos. of 10?. 10?. to 12?. 12?. to 15?. 15?. to 18?. 18?. ? 21?. upw?s. employed. All Broncho. ? J?e 1?3 ........ ?'1 11'6 10'0 21'7 19'7 2'9 1? ? Feb.?M?ch 1891 ?.5 12.3 19.0 19.0 7.6 1.6 ? Wea?g. . ]J?e 1?... 0 '8 12'3 37'6 43'1 6'2 1? Feb. March ?' 1'2 5'3 35'2 ?'5 19'0 [ 3'8 1? Sp?n?g and , June 1? ?'2 15'8 1? Feb.--Ma?h 1891 82'3 17'7 ........ ?3 Knotti?,Wa?ing, w?g, &c. { June 1?3 ........ 40'5 ?6'? 16'? 16'65 ? .... 1? Feb.?March 1891 53.? 16.4 15.4 15.0 .... ? PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL I?'UMBER EMPLOYED AS 1883. Weavers 45'8 Spinners and Drawers 27'9 Knotters Warpets, &c 26'3 No. 3.--vor.. I 1891. 40'0 27'5 32'5 H H