Page:The Economic Journal Volume 1.djvu/580

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558 THE ECONOMIC JOURNAL applications of landlords and tenants. In the month under review the total number of cases dealt with was 1,026 relating to a total extent of 40,005 acres. The tenement valuation was 23,105; the former rent, was 28,691, and the judicial rent fixed was 22,206. Loss of Life at Sea. 150. THIS is a return, dated March last, to an order of the House of Commons, showing the lives lost by wreck, drowning or other accident in British merchant ships registered in the United Kingdom, and deals with the calendar years 1883 to 1889 inclusive. In the latter year 1411 masters and seamen lost their lives through drowning, or 1 in every 147 employed, while by accidents other than drowning 236 seamen lost their lives. Market Rights and Tolls. Report of the Royal Commissio? (C--6268). Tnts is the final report of the Royal Commission appointed on July 5, 1887, to inquire as to the extent to which market rights are in the hands of (1) local authorities, (2) trading companies, and (3) private persons or bodies of persons other than trading companies as to the authority under which such rights are exercised;the revenues in respect of such rights, distinguishing the receipts from tolls, rents, &c., from other sources of receipt; the accommodation given in ret:?rn for charges levied, the ratio of market tolls to value of articles sold; the question of the restriction of trade by market rights, bfelaws and regulations; the' acquiring by local authorities of exiiting market rights; the farming by local authorities of tolls, rents, &c., and the placing of restrictions on sale of goods outside the market that may lawfully be sold inside; the revision from time to time of tolls, &c., of markets held by the local authorities, &c., and generally to report as to the alterations which may be desirable in the existing law relating to markets. Fourteen volumes have been published under the direction of the Commissioners. Volume I. contains the first report of the Commission, and report by Mr. C. I. Elton, Q.C., M.P., and Mr. B. F. C. Costelloe, Assistant Commissioner on Charters and Records relative to the history of fairs and markets in the United Kingdom. Volumes II. to X. contain minutes of evidence taken before the Commissioners and Assistant Commissioners in England and Ireland. Volume XI. contains the final report of the Commissioners. Volume XII. the pr?cis of minutes of evidence taken before the Commissioners and Assistant Commissioners. Volume XIII. which is divided into three parts, deals with (1)statistics relating to markets in London, and to markets owned by local authorities in England an d Wales, (2) statistics relating to markets in England and Wales owned by persons other than local authorities, and (3) statistics relating to markets in Scotland and Ireland.