Page:The Economic Journal Volume 1.djvu/640

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RECENT PERIODICALS AND NEW BOOKS The Economic Review, 1891. Why Working Men dislike Piece-work. By DAviD F. ScHLoss. Mr. Schloss points out the difficulties that arise from the standaxd adopted by employers, which is apt to be that of the best, and not of the ordinary workmen, and from the greater mental strain which is experienced by those employed on piece-work. He then deals with the ' Lump of Labour Theory,' which he considers to lie at the root of all the difficulty. A Plea for Liberty: A Criticism. By Sm?EY BAnn, M.A. A severe and powerful criticism. Henr?k Ibsen. By C. E. Though revolting against the present regime Ibsen is not a partisan of extreme State Socialism. The Destr?xtio? of the Village Community. By W. J. As?rY. Estimates the extent to wh!ch Enclosure a term which means different things at different pemods was carried during the period 1470-1600 in various parts of England. A? ArtisaWs View of the Eight Ho?rs' Question. By Jx?ss I?AYLOR. The economic consequences of an all-round eight hours' day would be the increased demand for products on which depend prosperity and profit (such as cycles), improved education, migration from industrial centres to suburbs, absorption of the unemployed, the saving of artifi- cial illumination used for the purpose of advertisement; against which advantages are to be set only ' the confiding acceptance of the principle of laissez-faire, the assumption of reduced profits and the dread of foreign competition.' Some Aspects of Game-preserving. By Rev. Canon Fv?sr. Working-class Insura?ce. By the Rev. J. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 1891. June. On Prison Ethics and Prisou Labour, By F. J. Moua?, LL.D. The author brings the light of a official experience to bear on the ethical and economic questions rained.