Page:The Economic Journal Volume 1.djvu/644

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THE ECONOMIC JOURNAL concerned at all with anything like the propagation of his own views. He is interested in making his reasoning process clearly understood; but this is because of the value of the logical process itself.' To require from a professor a confession upon the burning question of Free Trade and Protection is unreasonable. The Doctrine of Rent and the Residual Claimant Theory of l?ges. By FRx?cis A. WSLK?R. The writer defends his views against Mr. Bonar, Mr. Hobson, and Professor J. B. Clark. A Contribution to the Theory of Railway Rates. By F. W. TxvssIo. ' The greater part of railway expenses is entirely independent of the traffic; it must be incurred in order to do any business at all. Of the remaining smaller part of the expenses, a large proportion consists of items which vary with the voltune of the traffic as a whole. The rest contains items which, while confined to certain great groups, are yet incurred jointly for the traffic within each grou p. . . P, ailways present on an enormous scale a case of the productaon ?t joint cost of different commodities.' The attempt of Government to fix rates is lik? the attempt to ' fix the fair price for hides, horn, fat, &c.' Uo-operative Insura,ce and Endowment Schemes. By WmL?X?i Mo?s?: Political Science Quarterly (New York) 1891. No. 2. The Present Farmers' Movement. By F?x?}? M. D}mw. Describes the constitution of the various farmers' unions and their deanands. 'Impressed with the notion that Government... has been bestowing favours on others, he [the farmer] clamours for his share in the paternal bounty.' If disappointed,' it is highly prob- able that he, will see the whole mass of paternalism wiped off the Statute-book. Bimetallism in France. By Hoasc?. Wmeg. A minute examination of French monetary history leads to the conclusion that ' France did not adopt the double standard in the law of 1803, and that she never had the double standard, in fact, ex.cept at brief and 'transient periods when the market ratio, in its various rambles, happened to be about 15.' Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (Philadelphia) 1891. July. By $sa?ms? $?.s?s. Lamt Transfer Reform. The Economic Basis of Prohibition. By Smos N. P?.?T?:S. The Teaching of Political Science at Oxford. By D. G. Rrrcmw. Journal des Ecemomistes (P?ris) 1891. JuIle. Un Paradoxe Historique de Karl Marx (suite et fin). FONTENAY. Par M. R. DF?