Page:The Economic Journal Volume 1.djvu/646

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THE ECONOMIC JOURNAL NAQUET (I'Vi.). Collectivd, sm and the Socialism of the Liberal School: a Criticism and ah, Exposition. Translated by William Heaford. Swan Sonnenschein and Co. NEALE (E. V.). The 23rd Annual Co-operative Congress, 1891, held in the Drill Hall, Broadgate, L?coln, May 18th, 19th, and 20th. Edited by E. V. Neo, le, General Se&retary. Published by the Co- operative Union, City Buildings, Corporation Street, Manchester. POWDERLY (T. V.). Thirty Years of Labour: a History ?f the Organization of Working Men since 1860. Columbus, Ohio Ex- celsior Publishing House. / Rose (H.). The New Political Economy: the Social Teachings of With Observations Thomas Carlyle, John Ruskin, and Henry George. on Joseph Mazzini. London: J. Speirs. SIDGWICK (HENRY). The Elements of Politics. SINCLAIR (A. H.). Mac?nillan and Co. Municipal Monopolies and their Management. Toronto: Warwick and Sons. 8vo. SKiLTON (H. J.). Economics Biggs, Salisbury Court, Fleet Street, SMITH (COLIN M.). Sheep r. Rabbits: an Article on Louis Pasteur. Reprinted from Pastoralist aad Farmers' Gazette. Sydney. S,?ITH (GOLDWIN). Canada and the Canadian Question. Mac- Pp. 38. of Iron and Steel. With London: millan and Co. /? STICKNEY (A. B.). he Railway Problem. irarive Diagrams. Merril: St. Paul, Minn.; West Strand. Illustrated. many Illus- Brentano's, WATSON (J.). Tenancy and Ownership [Cobden Club Prize Essay]. London: CasEell and Co. 16mo. Pp. 120. WEBS (S.). The London Programme. Sonnenschein. IN FOItEIG2V' LA1VGU.4GES BOISSEVAIN (G. M.). The Monetary Question [Prize Translated from the French by G. T. Warner]. London: millan and Co. 8vo. CONIGLIANI (C. A.). Pagamenti Monetarii. 1891. KLEINWAECHTER (F.). vom Kommunismus und pp. 152. KNAPP (G. F.). Die Landarbeiter in Knechtschaft 4 Vortrage. Leipzig: Duncker and Humblot. LAVELEYE (E. DE). La Monnaie et le Bim?tallisme Internationale. Paris: F. Alcan. 12. Essay. Mac- Pp. 152. Note Storiche sulla Questione Giuridica dei Modena: Tip.-Lit. Angelo Namias E. C. Die Staatsromane. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre Sozialismus. Vienna: Breitenstein. 8 . u. Freiheit. NITTI (F. S.). I1 Socialismo C.a. ttolico. 2' ediz. Riveduta ed A?npliata Coll'agiunta dell'Enciclica d? Leone XIII. sulla Questlone Sociale. Torino. 16 . pp. 420. PAASCltE (H.). Zuckerindustrie Jena: Fischer. 8 . pp. 446. SCnULTERN (DR. H. VON). Die Italiens in neuester Zeit. und Zuckerhandel der Welt. Theoretische NationalSkonomie Leipzig, 1891. Duncker and Hmnblot.