Page:The Economic Journal Volume 1.djvu/665

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DIFFERENCES OF WAGES PAID TO MEN AND WOMEN 643 Average Earnings per Week (at piece-work) IVeavers (woollens). 1885 of Power Loom Percentage of Men District. Neighbourhood of Huddersfield' Scotland (tweeds) . .., Huddersfield and s?b?r?s . . 22 10 Yeadon, &c ......... 19 0 Rochdale ...... 17 2

Dewsbury (blanket .... 18 4 Ditto (coatings). . * 15 10 Cleckheaton ....... 14 5 West of England ...... 22 8 Leeds 15 9 Soo.d ..... i -- Halifax ....... 14 8 Wales 18 8 Scotlanc? (s'hi?t?n?, gla;?et?, kcl) Ireland ......... ?en. s.d. I 22 6 Women. employed (all branches). 17 10 41'7 15 11 30'5 15 6 42'1 15 8 42'8 15 I 88'8 14 5 82'8 14 4 82'4 14 1 27'9 18 9 81'0 18 7 24'4 18 5 45'6 18 1 87'6 12 2 85'0 11 6 24.5 10 6 44'5 Compiled from pp. xiv. and xv. of C. 5807 of 1889. Acerage Earnings per Week (at piece-work) in 1885 of Worsted Weavers. District. Keighley ..... Bradford ......... Halifax. . . Elsewhere'i? We?t Riding . . Men. 8. d. 16 11 14 7 16 4 14 0 Women. $. d. 14 1 18 9 18 6 18 4 Percentage of Men employed (all branches). 25'8 18'7 11'0 28'7 Compiled from p. xix. of C. 5807 of 1889. .4 t,erage Earnings per Week in 1885 (at piece-work)of Weavers of Fustians, Veh'ets, and Velveteens. Number of Looms. ?IEN. Maximum. I ?Iinimum. Average. 2 3 4 Maximum. Minimum. Average? 18 6 21 I s. d. s. d. 12 0 15 0 16 6 18 0 19 10 s. d. s. d. 12 6 9 0 18 6 la 6 21 0 14 6 11 6 17 1 18 10 Compiled from p. 65 of C.--5807 of 1889. I have been unable to ascertain whether the piece-work rates are the same for men and women wea,ers of linen, or fabrics of jute. In the former industry their weekly earnings are much inferior to those of mcn. TT2