Page:The Economic Journal Volume 1.djvu/723

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EOLUTION OF SOCIALIST PROGRAMME IN GERMANY 701 it to look for any disinterested action whatever, much less for any voluntary self-sacrifice for the cause of the people. At the same time, while the Gotha programme bears in its leading features the hall-mark of international Communism in the spirit of Marx's system, the favourite ideas of Lassalle are taken into consideration, for the purpose of contenting the numerous contingent who still delighted to honour the great a?tator's teaching as their source of wisdom and their oracle. To dash to pieces the'iron law of wages' was set forth as the chief task of the labour-world, nor were the productive associa- tions forgotten. But these productive associations might be started only 'under the control of the workers of the nation,' and they were now held valuable only as 'preparing the way,' for the solution of the social question, and only then when they were started in industry and agriculture 'on such a scale that out of them might come the Socialistic Organization of the aggregate labour of the community.' Thus, what Lassalle had imagined as the creative principle quickening and inspiring the whole labour-movement, was in the clauses of the Gotha programme degraded to a rudimentary organ, being shown as atrophied and lifeless, and its utter disappearance only a question of time. In point of fact, Lassallism from that time ceased to play in any way an independent part in the history of the party. Nay, we detect thenceforth, and not seldom in the very party which owes its existence to the exertions of the brilliant agitator, a depreciation of his importance which stands in lurid relief against the overrating and idolatry of earlier years. A tragic fate! yet without surprise for the historian, who knows that ingratitude amongst epigoni is an ever-recurring phenomenon in the history both of nations and of parties. The younger generation is ever pressing forward with no eye for what lies behind. Every new idea inflaming it derogates from the worship of earlier ideals, and light-heartedly it refuses due sacrifice to the gods of old time. But the unbiassed inquirer, standing above the passions of parties, will, when confronted with the new race of the harnessed knights of Socialism, bethink him how 'twas Lassalle who strewed the dragon's seed whence sprang these men-at-arms. As corner-stones of the Socialist constitution there were the dems?nds for equal and direct suffrage for aH members of the State (not for ?nen only !), in national and local affairs, from twenty years of age; the making and administering of laws directly by the people; national militia; unconditioned liberty of