Page:The Economic Journal Volume 1.djvu/848

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826 THE ECONOMIC JOURNAL Inland Revenue. Report of the Commissioners e?ding March 31, 1891. (C--6537.) for the Year' IT appears from this publication, which contains the thirty-fourth annual report of the Commissioners of Inland Revenue that, excluding the receipts transferred to local taxation and other accounts, the. Inland Revenue net receipts amounted in the year ending March 31, 1891, to 53,834,207, showing a net increase of 851,378 over the preced ng year. This amount was made up as follows :--Excise. 24,723,917; Stamps, 13,413,831; Land Tax, 1,025,764; Inhabited House duty, 1,526,763, and Indb?ne Tax, 13,143,932. There was a. considerable increase in the amount derived from the excise duty on spirits, amounting to as much as 910,728. This increase chiefly occurred in the June and September quarters, and was incidental to the general improvement in trade. The number of proof gallons of British spirits distilled in the United Kingdom was 44,623,584, as

compared with 40,970,295 during the year ended March 31, 1890. The 

number of distilleries at work during the year ended September 30, 1890 was, in England 10, in Scotland 124, and in Ireland 29, being a decrease of 2 in Scotland, and an increase of 1 in Ireland as compared with the previous year. The average consumption of British spirits per head in the United. Kingdom, which from 1881 to 1889 had declined in each year has now risen to '775 of a gallon. Minerals (Output 1860-90). 398. This is a tabular return to an address to the F[ouse of Commons. dated July 31 last, showing the annual output of the principal minerals produced in the United Kingdom from the year 1860 to the year 1890. Mining Royalties. Third Report of tile Royal Commission ap- pointed to inquire into the subject of the Mining Royalties, with Minutes of Evidence a?d At?t?endices (C--6529). T9?s report contains the minutes of evidence, printed in extenso, which was given before the Royal Commission on Mining Royalties between the 5th March and the date of the present report, viz., 22nd July, 1891. Post O?ce. Report of the Postmaster ending March 31, 1891. (C--6540.) General for the THIS annual report is some months late in its appearance, It. contains the usual postal and telegraphic statistics of all kinds. The number of letters, &c. (excluding parcels)delivered in the United Kingdom during the twelve months ended the 31st March, 1891, is estimated at 2,577,700,000 or 68'4 per head of the population, an increase of 4'4 per cent. upon the numbers for the preceding year. The Parcel Post has grown 8 per cent. in the same period. The joint growth